On this page, you can see some photos we think you would like to see.
We also have a video fly-through of the construction progress for the Edendale Bypass project.

Mulching for Environment Southland Dipton Area
Flood bank mulching using 20tonne excavator with Cangini TC Mulcher is ideal for green maintenance and urban green management: cleaning undergrowth and roadside areas.

Wyndham Flood Bank Protection Upgrade
The Wyndham Flood Bank Protection Upgrades Project for Environment Southland sees Linton Contracting undertake the strengthening and widening of 2.7km of floodbank adjacent to the Mimihau and Mataura River’s at Wyndham, as well as the construction of a new 70m long floodbank on Ferry Street. Works include tree felling, stump removal, the installation of new drainage infrastructure, flood bank construction, hydroseeding and fencing. Around 45,000 tonne of material will be uplifted from stockpiles onsite and placed during construction. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation from the Wyndham Golf Club and Wyndham Trotting Club as we operate our machinery on and around their courses.

Gore Flood Bank Protection
Construction of a new 500 meters long flood bank from Ontario Street Gore to Toronto Street Gore. Comprising of approx 55,000 tonne of imported local material. Majority of which was extracted from the Mataura river at Matauara. Ground conditons did prove challenging at times however, these were mitigated on site to allow construction to progress. We would like to thank the community for their patience and support throughout the duration of the project.